Biodiversity Project Selection

As mentioned in the Overview, this firm decides to woo fishermen off of the South Pacific ocean by offering them an alternate way to make a living: Working at a fish farm built and operated by the firm itself. This fish farm will raise those fish species that are already being commercially harvested by some nearby fishing fleet. To this end, the firm decides to build their fish farm close to Lamongan Harbor in East Java, the largest fishing port in Indonesia in order to lure fishermen off of their boats that would otherwise be harvesting everything in that ocean. The firm ensures that only ex-fishermen will be hired into their fish farm by working with the relevant government officials to enact a temporary exception for their fish farm from Indonesia's equal employment opportunity laws.

A second component of the biodiversity project is the purchase and subsequent scrapping of the largest fishing boats that call Lamongan Harbor, home.

Because this firm is already involved in food processing, they have on staff managers who are experienced at setting up new food processing facilities. The firm will use this expertise to build, staff, and operate their fish farm facility along with an attached fish-product shipping center.