Elegant Furniture's Biodiversity Dashboard

The project's biodiversity dashboard

Elegant Furniture maintains a biodiversity dashboard for their rhino conservation project. The dashboard depicts the effect of Elegant Furniture's biodiversity project on poacher behavior, and that behavior's effect on the survival of the South African rhino (dashboard).

By looking at this dashboard, biodiversity-concerned customers can immediately see for themselves if Elegant Furniture's efforts are doing any good.

Data veracity

Veracity bands for data on the number of employees who are relocated rural residents and the number of poaching events are assigned by an auditor hired by Elegant Furniture during the implementation procedure's step 7. The dashboard contains a link to this auditor's contact information.

The veracity of a reported data point can be diminished by subjective value assignment, deceptive assignment, or the use of estimates rather than direct observation. One way to quantify data veracity is as follows. An auditor performs an audit of the veracity of the dashboard's data on the two variables, X(t) and Y(t). The auditor writes a report and, from that report, assigns veracity bounds {LX(t), UX(t)}, and {LY(t), UY(t)} to each reported value on X(t), and Y(t), respectively. These bounds reflect the auditor's judgement of where the true value of that variable might be at time t.

For example, veracity bounds on a value of X(t) would be wide if the value was no more than a rough estimate made by counting employees leaving the building in the evening. The bounds would narrow if the value was a self-report by the ICO or if the value was the result of the auditor using a federally-sanctioned method for counting employees such as the one given in the United States Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993. Values of Y(t) are subject to deceptive reporting because some audiences inside and outside South Africa view high poaching numbers negatively.