Creation of the Attached Biodiversity Project

The insurance firm has created a biodiversity project to attach to their newly-minted biodiversity offering. This project will be an ongoing investigation of Bengal tiger trafficking within and out of India. This investigation will gather intelligence on tiger poaching events, tiger poachers, tiger parts shipments, and the trafficking syndicate members who (1) buy tiger parts from poachers, (2) arrange transport of the ensuing shipments, and (3) arrange final retail sales of such shipments to Chinese consumers. Such intelligence will be verified and then forwarded to wildlife protection agencies. Possession of such verified intelligence will enable these agencies to make arrests of surveilled traffickers and pursue convictions of these suspects.

The project will be implemented by leveraging current capabilities of the firm's SIU. Specifically,

  1. Four SIU investigators will be assigned part-time to the project. They will each bill one-third of their time to this project.
  2. The firm will purchase a secure hardware/software package to hold the project's wildlife trafficker database (see 2023 Journal of Cybersecurity)
  3. The firm will hire and deploy a secure four-person team to Mumbai, India. This team will consist of two investigators, an office manager, and an IT specialist. This team will provide evidence that can only be acquired by intelligence-gathering methods deployed within India. They will feed such intelligence to the SIU's main office.