Software and Data Files
Ecosystem Management Actions Taxonomy (EMAT)
EMAT database files
id Software Package
id source code
id batch files
JavaFX-Based Real-Time Biodiversity Dashboard for the
In-Country Kit
In-Country Kit dashboard code and files
JavaFX-Based Real-Time Biodiversity Dashboard for the
Farm Kit
Farm Kit dashboard code and files (under development)
JavaFX-Based Real-Time Biodiversity Dashboard for the
Intel Kit
Intel Kit dashboard code and files
SAS Codes for the In-Country Kit's Profit Assessment Plots
Data processing for the abundance dashboard
Business network plot
Learning, poaching, and rhino abundance multiple time series
Poaching time series
SAS Codes for Conducting Marketing Research on the Drivers of
Biodiversity Offering Sales
Sales growth
Best channels to use
Files to Create a Distributed Database of Criminal Intelligence
Such a database is used in the Intel Kit to support criminal
investigations of a wildlife trafficking syndicate (WTS).
WTS database files
SAS Code and Example Data File to Estimate Critter Abundance
Example SAS code
Lion capture-recapture data set