Kit #3's Simulator

The simulator consists of (a) submodels of the decision making of several individuals and groups, and (b) the impacted ecosystem as follows.

  1. two identified individuals suspected of being tiger poachers;
  2. two identified individuals suspected of being middlemen involved in buying, transporting, and selling tiger parts;
  3. Chinese consumers of tiger parts;
  4. the Wildlife Crime Control Bureau within India's Ministry of Environment, Forests, and Climate Change (MoEFCC); and
  5. an individual-based submodel of Bengal tiger abundance in India.

The Chinese consumer submodel along with the wildlife protection agency submodel are aggregated, i.e., they simulate group-level decisions rather than the decisions of unique individuals. On the other hand, individual-level submodels are built for each identified trafficker be they a poacher or a middleman. These latter, individual submodels are linked to the associated nodes of the investigation's social network model of all traffickers in their database.

All individual tiger poacher submodels share the same perceived causal structure across their cognitive variables as expressed in their respective .id files. Likewise, all middlemen share the same perceived causal structure across their own set of cognitive variables. Individuals differentiate via entries in their respective parameter files. This model architecture can potentially result in a large number of parameter files and consequently, large demands for computer memory. This approach, however, is computationally efficient because there is no need for complex conditional distributions in a family of individual submodels (poachers or middlemen) in order to index each individual in the family.

The files contained in are as follows.

  1. IntIDs file containing all submodel file names: (for tiger political-ecological system).
  2. Submodel files of tiger poachers:
    ID input files:,;
    hypothesis parameter values: tigerpoacher1-hyp.par, tigerpoacher2-hyp.par;
    initial parameter values: tigerpoacher1-ini.par, tigerpoacher2-ini.par
  3. Middlemen submodel files:,;
    tigermiddle1-hyp.par, tigermiddle2-hyp.par;
  4. Chinese consumers of tiger parts submodel files:, tigerconsumers-hyp.par, tigerconsumers-ini.par
  5. MoEFCC Crime Control Bureau submodel files:, wccbureau-hyp.par, wccbureau-ini.par
  6. Ecosystem submodel files. This submodel captures the population dynamics of those Bengal tigers living in India., tigereco-hyp.par, tigereco-ini.par
  7. Data files:
    tiger.dat, tigerpesysobsacts.ahs, tigerdesrd.dat
  8. MPEMP constraints file: